24 Loretto Convent Rd, Curepipe, Mauritius. |
rgunessee@yahoo.com |
+230 6747995
A burn is a type of injury to skin, or other tissues, caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation. Treatment of burns depends on the severity of the burn. Superficial burns may be managed with little more than simple pain medication, while major burns may require prolonged treatment in specialized burn centers. There are two main categories of burn surgery acute and reconstructive. Acute burn care occurs immediately after the injury. Complex burns often require consultation with plastic surgeons, which assist with the inpatient and outpatient management of these cases. Reconstructive burn surgery is to improve both the function and the cosmetic appearance of burn scars. Surgery will not be able to remove a patient’s burn scars entirely, but it will help improve basic functions and make scars less noticeable.
Plastic surgeons are an important part of the burns team that look after patients with burns from the moment they are admitted to the burns service, through their initial treatment, after their discharge from hospital and, if they have long term scarring or disability, during rehabilitation and further treatment. Sometimes this will mean further admissions to hospital for plastic surgery to improve function or appearance, but more surgery is not always the answer. A surgical operation can improve scars and the problems that they cause, but cannot remove scars completely.
Burns injuries most commonly involve the hands and arms, chest face and neck. In children, burns are often caused by hot liquids (scalds). Patients should be wary of advertisements that promise the world in terms of surgical outcomes and the cosmetic treatment of scars. Wherever possible, post-burns problems should be dealt with by a burns specialist who will be able to advise on the best and most appropriate course of action.
The amount of treatment required and the period of recovery is dependent upon the severity of the burns that have been sustained, the age of the patient and their general health. Patients with major burns can need many operations and may be in intensive care for up for many weeks. Minor burns cases, on the other hand, can heal in a couple of weeks without any surgical intervention at all, while grafted wounds can require dressings for up to six weeks after surgery. Surgery or treatments to improve function or appearance may be needed months or years after the original burn, particularly in children who are growing.
Once the burn wound is healed, patients can be cared for nearer their home through specialist burns outreach teams, with regular follow-up appointments to assess the progress of the injuries.
You are getting tattoo for so many reasons to express your feelings, but the same tattoo can turn out to be your worst nightmare. Once you made up your mind to get your tattoo removed, visit to us, we can guide and treat you through the whole process of tattoo removal. Tattoo removal can be achieved in a number of ways, ranging from laser treatments, chemical peels, dermabrasion and surgical excision.
Lasers are the most common method of tattoo removal performed today. Tattoos consist of thousands of particles of tattoo ink suspended in the skin. The normal human immune system typically removes small foreign particles from the skin. Tattoo ink particles are too big to be removed by this system and are thus considered permanent. The use of lasers helps to break up these particles into smaller pieces that can be removed by the immune system.
Laser treatments work by targeting the ink particles in the skin with highly concentrated light waves that heat up the ink particles and cause them to fragment into smaller particles that are able to be cleared away by the body's immune system. Complete removal of a tattoo is usually not accomplished in one laser treatment session. Laser tattoo removal typically requires more than one treatment to reduce the size of the ink particles and make it easier for them to be dispersed by the immune system. Depending on the tattoo design, size and color, it may take 1-10 laser sessions to remove the ink. Some colors of ink are harder to remove than others and may not be able to be completely removed.
24 Loretto Convent Road, Curepipe, Mauritius.
Residence : +230 6747995
Mobile : +230 52508669
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Dr R Gunessee
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